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Tax support

Taxes are an important obligation of any company that needs to be fulfilled to the full extend. Competent structuring of transactions and projects allows you to legally reduce tax payments
We will help you switch to a tax regime to get more preferences. We find profitable ways to organize the tax of the company
We develop corporate and tax models of the project
We reduce the tax burden
We select a favorable jurisdiction for doing IT business
We help to obtain and apply for tax benefits
How we can be useful:
The software is included in the register of Russian software in an express manner
Tax consulting on mutual settlements of Russian and Austrian IT companies
Tax consulting of a group of companies in the field of online advertising
The software is included in the register of Russian software in an express manner
Tax consulting on mutual settlements of Russian and Austrian IT companies
Tax consulting of a group of companies in the field of online advertising
Zenitlegal Actions
Tax consulting of a group of companies in the field of online advertising
A group of companies places ads on the sites of various webmasters. The group's total revenue exceeded the limits for the simplified tax system, and therefore the beneficiaries of the group decided to check for possible tax risks when continuing to operate in excess of the limits
  • Conducted an audit of the entire group
  • Identified the risks of additional taxes
  • Identified the risks of recognizing the group of companies as an artificial business fragmentation
  • Developed recommendations on tax risks minimizing
  • Helped to implement the recommendations on minimizing tax risks
We helped the Client to avoid the risks of tax liability in the amount of 80,000,000 rubles
Zenitlegal Actions:
The software is included in the register of Russian software in an express manner
On December 15, 2021, a Client applied to Zenitlegal with a request to include his software in the register of Russian software by December 31. The deadline for including a software in the registry is 45 days
  • Analyzed the regulations for the software inclusion in the registry
  • Revealed violations and unjustified delay in the inclusion process
  • Prepared a letter justifying the necessity to include the software in the registry
The software was included on time, which allowed the Client to avoid spending 5,000,000 rubles monthly
Zenitlegal Actions
Tax consulting on mutual settlements of Russian and Austrian IT companies
A Russian IT company on the simplified taxation system, acquired electronic key manufacturing services from an Austrian resident and was engaged in the further distribution of these keys. The IT company paid remuneration for the services received. These services were not included in the register of Russian software, and therefore were subject to VAT. The client set a task to investigate the tax consequences of mutual settlements of an IT company with a resident of Austria
  • Conducted a tax audit
  • Analyzed mutual settlements between companies
  • Evaluated from a legal point of view the services for the electronic keys production and their distribution
  • Prepared recommendations on the tax risks elimination.
The client received recommendations to eliminate risks in the form of additional VAT and income tax in the amount of more than 10,000,000 rubles
Our competencies
Business registration abroad
Support of investments in IT projects
Cryptocurrency and blockchain technologies
Working with users' personal data
Intellectual property protection
Criminal legal protection of business
Legal support of digital and IT projects
Get legal protection for your business
Dubai Arch Tower
United Arab Emirates
Dubai JLT, Cluster G